Golden Grace updates

May 2022

Part of Happiness Wambura’s Vision for LOHADA has always been serving the elderly, especially in her home of Shinyanga, a city in western Tanzania. LOHADA, after all, is short for Loving Hands to the Aged and Disadvantaged. Her heart was to bring medical care to the community, replacing the traditional practice of witchcraft that results in persecution of elderly women believed to bring bad luck to their families.  Happiness’ son John Wambura is the director of Golden Grace, which opened January 2017 in Shinyanga, home to many LOHADA children.  The addition of Pastor Suzy to the staff of Golden Grace brings the presence of much needed spiritual support to both patients and staff.

This ministry provides low-cost health care to people in the community, including outpatient services, limited inpatient care, obstetrics and newborn checkups, vaccinations, HIV treatment and x-rays.  Also, the mobile clinic takes medical services to outlying areas. During the pandemic the mobile clinic brought food, water and blankets to the elderly women and families of the Camp Joshua students. The impact of COVID-19 was felt more in 2021 and resulted in people feeling unsafe when seeking medical care. So, there was little in the way of income in the past two years. Free services have still been available including prenatal care, new baby checkups, childhood vaccinations and HIV medications.

With government approval, Golden Grace hopes to be functioning as a Health Center soon.  The women’s ward will allow for increased labor and delivery services.

A surgical theatre is being readied for use.  Donations have begun providing the equipment needed, such as surgical lights and a patient monitor (below), but other equipment and many supplies are needed for these expanded services.  

This ministry provides low-cost health care to people in the community, including outpatient services, limited inpatient care, obstetrics and newborn checkups, vaccinations, HIV treatment and x-rays.   Also, the mobile clinic takes medical services to outlying areas and during the pandemic brought food, water and blankets to the elderly women and families of the Camp Joshua students (photos below).  The impact of COVID-19 was felt more in 2021 and resulted in people not feeling safe to come for medical care.  Therefore, there was little in the way of income in the past 1-2 years.  Free services have still been available including prenatal care, new baby checkups, childhood vaccinations and HIV medications.

If you would like to partner with Golden Grace’s mission of bringing higher quality health care in a Christ-centered setting, please consider donating through Kesho.

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